I Turn To Food To Cope With Stress, Sadness Or Even Boredom And It Is Sabotaging My Weight Loss
If yes, It's Time to Heal And Develop A Healthier Relationship With Food And Your Body!
(So You can Lose The Weight & Maintain It for Good)


An online course with 1:1 Private Coaching Option 

Created by Sherri Clarke, Registered Dietitian 

Food and your feelings can easily become intertwined.
In my new program, you'll learn how to stop destructive behavior that keeps you from living your best life!  Join my Feelings & Fries waitlist to qualify for special pricing and bonuses when registration opens.
If You Have A Daily Battle In Your Mind Over Food (Eat it Or Don't Eat It) & You Give In More Times Than Not Only To Feel Guilty...You're Not Alone

There are so many feelings surrounding food that can keep you stuck Where You Are (using Food as a coping mechanism) 

I'm here to tell you there is a way to heal and develop a healthier relationship with food and your body!

Imagine What Life Would Feel Like If...

  • Shame and guilt were no longer associated with what you ate
  • You could easily say no to second helpings
  • Starving yourself today for what you ate yesterday was a thing of the past
  • You actually looked forward to going bathing suit shopping
The Willpower & Weight Loss Program Is For You If...
  • Food plays a bigger role in your daily life than you want it to
  • You recognize your relationship with food needs a makeover
  • You have to change your mindset around food before you can successfully lose weight
  • You are open-minded and willing to be reflective even if what you discover may be uncomfortable at times
This Program Is NOT For You If...
  • You aren’t into self-reflection and you’d rather someone just give you a list of what you can/can’t eat
  • The only way you measure success is a number on a scale
  • You have a diagnosis of an eating disorder
  • You are seeking a quick fix
Paint a very bleak picture and identify that you too were once in this very position.
partly true...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae. 
What You'll Learn During The 12 Weeks With Me...
The Willpower & Weight Loss program addresses the 3 key areas you need to master in order to lose weight, reach your ideal weight and maintain it with ease. 



Before the program you now may:

»Use food to numb out and avoid your difficult feelings  
»Obsess about food
»Be triggered to eat when you feel a certain way
»Feel guilty if you eat “bad” food or eat until you are stuffed
»Give in to intense food cravings
»Be great at starting diets but equally as great at quitting them
»Let one bad day bleed into a week of bad days
»Think your willpower sucks
»Beat yourself up with negative self-talk
»Eat on auto-pilot and regret it later
»Struggle to finding balance -you’re either eating carrots or carrot cake 

After the Willpower & Weight Loss program you will:

»Be equipped with alternatives to coping with your feelings that don’t involve food
»Eat primarily because you are physically hungry
»Recognize and refrain when you are triggered to eat due to a feeling
»Expect progress but not perfection from yourself
»Get back on track immediately when you need to  
»Understand willpower and exactly how to increase it
»Have tangible tools to respond to temptation and cravings without giving in 
»Rethink and reframe your negative self-talk and self-sabotaging thoughts around food



Before the program you now may:

»Be confused about what diet you should follow
»Have questions about probiotics, supplements, cleanses, and vitamins 
»Wonder how many carbs you should eat in a day or if it really matters 
»Need help with how to alter your diet for a certain medical condition like diabetes
»Think you are addicted to food
»Often eat until you are uncomfortable
»Think that no matter what you do, you can’t lose weight. Something must be wrong with your metabolism

After the Willpower & Weight Loss program you will:

»Have my review of every popular diet out there, including the only one I recommend
»Understand the formula that works for weight loss and how to apply it to your lifestyle
»Learn a way of eating that you can follow forever
»Finally get the question answered, “Are carbs evil?”
»Be able to read any food label and ID hidden sugar, salt and fat 
»Be able to eat in moderation as you choose
»Be able to stop when you are full and not keep eating until stuffed
»Be well on your way to losing weight and finding food freedom!  



Before the program you now may:

»Avoid exercising in front of people because you are embarrassed
»Have the desire to start exercising but not sure how to begin
»Be walking your heels off but not seeing that it is making any difference
»Not like to exercise…so you don’t! 
»Think you don’t have time and/or money to exercise

After the Willpower & Weight Loss program you will:

»Understand the importance of daily movement and exercise in maintaining a healthy lifestyle
»Identify your barriers to exercise and overcome them
»Discover exercise as a stress reliever
»Find exercise you enjoy! 
»Discover that if you desire to exercise there are many options from different price points and locations 
 Life is hard, food should be easy!

 Here's What You Get In   Willpower & Weight Loss: 

12-Week Online Program

8 1/2 Hours of online course modules and PDFs to be completed in 12 weeks. Watch anywhere, anytime. Super convenient!

Personal Weekly Coaching With 
Registered Dietitian Sherri Clarke!!

Optional purchase. Because my time is limited, this is the only one on one counseling I do! So if you want to work directly with me, this is your chance!
All sessions done on zoom or phone call. 

Membership In My Private Facebook™️ Group

You'll get membership in my private Facebook group only for those who are either enrolled in the program or have completed it.  

Unlimited Access To The Modules

Repeat when you feel like it!
Ready For Safe Sustainable Weight loss? 

frequently asked questions.

What if I can't make one of the weekly coaching calls?
There are replays!
If you can't make the weekly group coaching calls via Zoom during the 4 weeks, no worries! I've got you covered. You'll have access to the replay recordings that you can watch anytime at your convenience.
Do you need to do the Feelings and Fries course before this one?
Yes & No.
Currently I have two online courses.
Feelings and Fries is a 4 week course and it was designed to be completed prior to Willpower and Weight Loss.
It is not mandatory that you complete it first but it is highly recommended.  
How much weight can I expect to lose?  
Great Question!
This is my only course where our goal is to lose weight. Safe, sustainable weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week. 
You may lose more in the beginning. Our goal is to lose the weight forever. You only do that by making permanent changes in how you think about food and respond to temptation. This takes time and patience. 
Progress not perfection is our goal. 
What makes Willpower and Weight Loss different from other weight loss programs?
Other programs focus on WHAT and HOW MUCH to eat. They may even address timing of meals. 
 WWL has three components: Mind, Nutrition and Exercise. The one that sets it apart is the mind. WWL is for people who basically know what to eat and how much but they constantly struggle with sticking to the plan. 
Society tells you that you lack willpower. You need more discipline around food. But really it’s that food has come to mean more than it should in your life. It’s about the food and feelings connection that started in childhood. Typical weight loss programs do not address this.  

I am very busy. Will I be able to keep up with the program? 
accessible 24/7.
I make it as easy for you as I can. Modules are accessible 24/7 and my zoom calls are scheduled individually. I do not have availability on Saturday or Sunday but I do offer some appointments on weekday evenings. If you need to skip a week due to illness or vacation, I understand. It will just take you more than 12 weeks to complete the course. 
Can I access the course by my cell phone? 
Mobile friendly.
Yes, the course can be accessed through the login on from phone, tablet or laptop. 
Can I do this with my spouse? 
Just Ask me.
Many people who want to lose weight find that including someone on the journey is beneficial. For some it provides the support that is necessary. Yes, if you want to include someone else you can. Mention this on our call and we’ll discuss in more detail how the zoom calls with me will work. 
Does my insurance or health savings account cover this? 
It May!
Don't assume your deductible is too high or your insurance won't cover it.  If you have BCBS, Aetna, or MedCost we are happy to check your coverage.  Simply fill out the form.  We accept all health savings cards. 
I’m ready.
 What’s my next step? 
Two options:
Purchase now or fill out the form to see if your insurance covers any of the cost. 

Here's what my clients are saying

About Working With Me...
“This program taught me to be very aware of my thoughts around eating.”
"My mental health counselor recommended this program because it uses cognitive behavioral therapy to change thoughts and behavior. I found this method especially helpful for me. I would use these thoughts to justify eating (Ex. I can’t waste this food so I’ll eat these last 3 spoonfuls.) Then I would immediately feel guilty. This program taught me to be very aware of my thoughts around eating. Now I can challenge them and decide if they serve me. If not, I can think about it a different way that makes saying no an easy choice."
shawna, Age 44
“The biggest thing I learned was how to cope with stress and anxiety in a way that does not involve dessert, ice cream and candy.”
"This is the first program I’ve done that didn’t make the weekly weigh-in a focus. I always stressed out about weighing so this has been good for me. I pay attention to how my clothes fit, how much confidence I have and how much control I have over my food choices. The weight loss was slow but I can honestly say that I am 100% confident I will not gain it back. The biggest thing I learned was how to cope with stress and anxiety in a way that does not involve dessert, ice cream and candy."
viviana, Age 39
“Here’s a Summary of What the Awesome Point of the Testimonial was.”
Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus.
“I’m glad I continued with the WWL course. It gave me a chance to start eating less with the support of someone who has been there.”
"I completed Feelings and Fries first. That course gave me so much insight into how and why I grew up to be an emotional eater. When you have used food to cope or avoid negative emotions for 25 years change does not come easily. I’m glad I continued with the WWL course. It gave me a chance to start eating less with the support of someone who has been there. Sherri is patient and encouraging. I found my sessions with her to be my favorite part."
charmaine, age 58
“I just wish I had done it 10 years ago!”
"This is the hardest thing I have ever done!! I just wish I had done it 10 years ago! I have a life in front of me that will NOT ever be tainted again by low self-esteem and feeling out of control around food. Thank you Sherri!!"
emily, age 29

Life Is Too Short To Be Tortured By A Potato Chip

Imagine what your life would be like if you could regain control and address all the key areas that keep you stuck: mind, nutrition & exercise.
Learn how Willpower & Weight Loss can help you. What do you have to lose other than the weight?
Ready to Take Back Control? 
© 2024 SHERRI CLARKE NUTRITION | Fuel 4 Your Life llc - All Rights Reserved - TERMS & CONDITIONS - PRIVACY POLICY
Disclaimer:  All information, content, and materials available on/through the website or on/through the multi day challenge are for general informational purposes only.  
Please always consult with your medical provider before beginning any new wellness, nutrition or eating pattern or program.