
Do you turn to food To Cope With Stress, Sadness or even boredom?

FACT: 80% of women that struggle with their weight admit to emotional eating.
If this describes you, The only solution is breaking this destructive connection So You Can take back control and Feel Comfortable In your Own skin!
Food and your feelings can easily become intertwined.
In my new program, you'll learn how to stop destructive behavior that keeps you from living your best life!  Join my Feelings & Fries waitlist to qualify for special pricing and bonuses when registration opens.
Do You Feel Out Of Control And Powerless Over Food? 

You're Not Alone...

Many women feel hopeless and fear they will always struggle with their weight...that nothing will ever work for them.  
Does the below sound like you?
  • You're stuck in a never-ending cycle of eating until you feel so uncomfortable and stuffed. Then you wonder why you did it to yourself in the first place
  • You self-sabotage by rationalizing...
    - It’s only one meal
    - It’s the only thing that will make me feel better
    - I promise I will get back on track Monday
  • You find yourself sneaking food even when you're not hungry. This of course, leads to regret that you turned to food once again
  • You cover up in big clothes or long sleeve tops and pants even in July because you'd rather hide under layers than face reality
  • You avoid taking photos or videos because you can't bear to look at the images
  • You don't exercise in public because you fear people will stare at you or judge you
  • Visiting the doctor's office sends you into a panic because you know you'll have to face the number on the scale that you've been avoiding at home
Paint a very bleak picture and identify that you too were once in this very position.
partly true...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae. 
I Get It! There are so many feelings surrounding food that got you to where you are today...
To finally be successful on your weight loss journey, you have to first address the feelings around food that are keeping you stuck.

After years of working with clients the biggest mistake I see made is jumping into a calorie counting diet WITHOUT first addressing how to deal with cravings, temptations and emotional triggers like stress. Trying harder isn’t the answer. 

Here’s the most important thing you should know about me.
I've Been In Your Shoes....

I used food to get me through a very tough time in my childhood -the death of my father. I was so overwhelmed by my grief that I used sugar (especially chocolate) to numb out and avoid dealing with my feelings. This wasn’t something I did consciously, it just happened.

Every Monday was going to be the day I started making the right choices for the final time. I had some success but ultimately I failed every single time. You know – lose 12 pounds, gain back 11. 

It took me YEARS to even realize what my real problem was....I was using food to cope with my feelings.

Years later I learned this was a survival response and an unconscious choice. I repeated this behavior so many times it became my new normal. When I felt sad, I ate. When I was anxious, I ate. I grew into an adult who felt out of control around sweets and was totally embarrassed by my behavior. 



I used food to get me through a very tough time in my childhood -the death of my father. I was so overwhelmed by my grief that I used sugar (especially chocolate) to numb out and avoid dealing with my feelings. This wasn’t something I did consciously, it just happened.

Every Monday was going to be the day I started making the right choices for the final time. I had some success but ultimately I failed every single time. You know – lose 12 pounds, gain back 11. 

It took me YEARS to even realize what my real problem was....I was using food to cope with my feelings.

Years later I learned this was a survival response and an unconscious choice. I repeated this behavior so many times it became my new normal. When I felt sad, I ate. When I was anxious, I ate. I grew into an adult who felt out of control around sweets and was totally embarrassed by my behavior. 
Not until I had my lightbulb moment did I even stand a chance at truly transforming my relationship with food. No diet, self-help book, 30 day fast or liquid supplement could fix what my real issue was. 

While on my own journey, I graduated with an undergraduate degree in exercise science. Then, I earned a masters degree in nutrition, became a registered dietitian and quickly found my passion.   

Today, I give others their lightbulb moment and with it comes great hope in a life most thought was not possible. After realizing the REAL problem, I coach you towards REAL change and help you achieve a life that isn’t focused on food and how big your thighs are.  I created the program I WISH had been available to me.  

 Imagine what your life would look like if you could... 

  • Effortlessly say no to the donuts at work 
  • Be proud of yourself and the example you set for your loved ones
  • Easily stop eating before you get uncomfortable
  • Stop spending precious time and energy thinking about food and how much you dislike your body
  • Feel confident in a bathing suit

I want to Introduce You to my new program...

Break Free From Emotional Eating, Take Back Control And Your Power Over Food (so you can finally lose the weight)
Feelings & Fries is a solution that tackles the real underlying problem of Emotional Eating so you can finally take control back to lose the weight 

During the 4-week online program (with weekly group coaching calls) you'll...
  • Tackle all those bad food habits that got you to where you are now. You'll learn how to stop using food to cope with your feelings.
  • Begin to eat more mindfully as you learn how to stop self-sabotaging yourself over and over again -end that roller coaster cycle!
  • Discover the tools, strategies and techniques I use with my clients so they can gain back control over their food and cravings more easily.
Break Free From Emotional Eating, Take Back Control And Your Power Over Food (so you can finally lose the weight)
Feelings & Fries is not a weight loss program in the traditional sense. You do not count calories or follow meal plans. Let's face it. You've been there and have done that.  Not very successful -am I right?
This program goes so much deeper to the core of the problem. 

You may be thinking, "Wait, what? 

Let me explain further... 

Struggling with your weight is just the symptom of the real underlying issue of emotional eating. 
Real progress can't be made until you address that emotional eating beast once and for all. 
Of course addressing this may absolutely result in weight loss but that is not the main goal here. 
You need MORE than a meal plan and a weekly weigh-in.

What you need is a deep dive into your relationship with food and a clear understanding of what needs to change and how to change it. 

That's where Feelings & Fries and I come in...
*This program may be covered by your health insurance provider. 
Schedule a call to get more information. We’ll help you find out your exact benefit coverage.



Uncover Your 'WhyBehind Emotional Eating.

In week 1, you'll start at the crucial point of uncovering your why -it's important to start here. You'll work through the exercises provided to uncover how your emotional eating started. Why did you learn to use food as a coping mechanism? We will go way back to childhood and explore how/when you made the connection between food and feelings.  You'll get to the root of it. This is the beginning of your journey to changing your behavior and relationship with food.


How To Break The Feelings To Food Connection That Keeps You Self-Sabotaging
In week 2, together we will explore how to break your feelings and food connection that got you to the place you are today.  This didn't happen overnight, so we are going to dive deep into your relationship with food to get a clear understanding of what needs to change and how to change it.  I'll share the skills, tools and techniques that will start moving you forward in your journey - mindful eating, increase emotional intelligence, breaking bad food habits, stopping the self-sabotage cycle.  


Implement The Skills & Tools To Empower You
In week 3, you'll implement the new skills and techniques (provided in week 2) to break free of the bad food habits that keep you stuck.  You'll start eating more mindfully while increasing your emotional intelligence as it relates to the relationship with food.

You'll stop the never ending unhealthy eating cycle that derails you time and time again.


Create The Healthy Behaviors For Lasting Change
In week 4, you'll be on your way to a healthier relationship with food. You will be gaining back control and the power over food.  You'll learn how to maintain the newfound behaviors you learned and implemented in the prior weeks.  

You'll also learn how to continue on your journey to lasting change.

Transform your relationship with food For A healthier You!

Have you had that aha moment yet? If you have realized that you have been struggling with your weight due to emotional eating, then this is the program you've been waiting for!

Here's what you get in Feelings & fries...

4 Week Online Program

Each week you'll get access to 4 videos to watch on that week's topic. Everything is broken down so you can progress steadily (step-by-step).  You'll also get weekly downloads to accompany these videos to help you in your journey.  You can access these videos and downloads anytime (24/7).  

Weekly Group Coaching Calls (via Zoom)

You'll get further support from me (Sherri) weekly on our live group coaching Zoom calls during the 4 week program. I’ll answer any questions you have and lead you through additional exercises to really bring home what you’ve learned.

Lifetime Access 

You'll get lifetime access to the 4 weeks of modules (videos and downloads) so you can refer to them in the future.
Ready to Take Back Control? 
*This program may be covered by your health insurance provider. 
Schedule a call to get more information. We’ll help you find out your exact benefit coverage.

Stop self-sabotage  and break free of emotional eating so you can take back control and finally lose the weight.

Explain the  Limited Time  Deal.

Are there limited quantities? Limited time? Special offers? Explain and give a reason WHY they must take you up on the offer today.

This is your scarcity. You must have some sort of scarcity to encourage immediate action.

MY 7-day guarantee.

I want to make this one of the EASIEST decisions for you as possible. Here’s how...

I truly believe you're going to love Feelings & Fries and it is the right program for women that are struggling with emotional eating. That is why if you decide Feelings & Fries is not the right fit for you in the first 7 days of purchasing the program, then reach out to me and I'll refund your money.

This allows you to jump into Feelings & Fries with a safety net, knowing that you’re in control for another 7 days. I want you to jump in with both feet ready for lasting change and a healthier you!  

It all starts by scheduling a call with me to find out if Feelings & Fries is right for you.

Here's what my clients are saying

About Working With Me...
“I’m just focused on eating when hungry and not eating because of a feeling.”
"After being on the diet roller coaster for over 20 years I decided I had nothing to lose by trying a different approach. Quickly I learned that I never had good role models for expressing my emotions. I never learned that it was OK to feel sad, angry or frustrated. My mother suppressed her emotions by eating and FNF helped me see that is exactly what I was doing. Now I can identify my urges to eat when I feel it’s not OK to be sad, angry or frustrated. FNF helped me see that I can process my emotions and I don’t have to avoid them. I’ve lost 10# without counting calories. I’m just focused on eating when hungry and not eating because of a feeling."
Lindsey, Age 41
“I feel FNF is a unique program that has set me up for success.”
"I grew up in the era where your looks and your image meant everything. My mom never left the house without makeup on and her hair perfectly styled. She had me on my first diet at age 8. In FNF, I had to really look at how that upbringing affected my self-esteem, my eating habits and my relationship with my mother. For the first time I see that losing weight is not just about having more willpower or trying new healthy recipes. It’s complicated but I feel FNF is a unique program that has set me up for success. I have confidence I will be able to come to peace with food if I continue to work at it."
Sally, Age 62
“Here’s a Summary of What the Awesome Point of the Testimonial was.”
Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus.
“I’m so thankful that Sherri opened my eyes and gave me the tools to grow. Today I have lost more than 25 lbs and feel in control of my emotions and my food choices.”
"I’ve been in therapy for years as a result of a sexual assault I suffered as a teenager. I realized how much this assault made me put up walls, especially around men. I had a hard time being vulnerable so as soon as a man would get too close, I would run. I’ve battled with my weight for thirty years. I never realized my weight gain began around the time of the assault. When I saw that connection I got curious and in a google search I ran across FNF. I liked that it was different in approach. I discovered that I have to increase my ability to handle certain emotions, like fear and anxiety, without using food. I also use my weight to delay dating. “I’m too fat. Nobody will like me.” This is how I keep myself from being vulnerable. I’m so thankful that Sherri opened my eyes and gave me the tools to grow. Today I have lost more than 25# and feel in control of my emotions and my food choices."
Dana, age 52

frequently asked questions.

What if I can't make the weekly group coaching calls live?
There are replays!
If you can't make the weekly group coaching calls via Zoom during the 4 weeks, no worries! I've got you covered. You'll have access to the replay recordings that you can watch anytime at your convenience.
How is FNF different?
FNF is unique.
Feelings and Fries is tailored to help people who are triggered to eat due to their feelings. This in itself is unique. I believe emotional eaters cannot experience success without the following:
-Understanding your current eating habits and how they developed.
-Recognizing what must change. Learning new tools/strategies that enable you to make those changes. 
-Learning how to maintain your newfound skills for a lifetime. 
This approach is different and focused on WHY you eat, not only on WHAT you eat.
When do sessions start?
Sign up anytime!
You can sign up anytime but a new group starts the first Monday of each month.
I am very busy. Will I be able to keep up with the program?
Yes, EAsily!
My goal was to break down the program into manageable chunks over the 4 weeks. You only have to watch 4 videos weekly and do the assigned exercises. Lasting change is well worth devoting this time.
Can I access the course from my phone?
Yes, Any device.
Yes, you can access by phone, tablet or laptop. 
Transform your relationship with food and let the healing begin...
Schedule a call with me to find out if the Feelings & Fries Program is right for you.  
It's Time To Transform Your Relationship With Food And Let The Healing Begin...

Schedule a call with me to find out if the Feelings & Fries Program is right for you.  
Imagine what your life would be like if you could regain control of your emotional eating.
Learn how Feelings & Fries can help you. What do you have to lose other than the weight?
Ready to Take Back Control? 
*This program may be covered by your health insurance provider. 
Schedule a call to get more information. We’ll help you find out your exact benefit coverage.
© 2020 SHERRI CLARKE NUTRITION | Fuel 4 Your Life llc - All Rights Reserved - TERMS & CONDITIONS - PRIVACY POLICY
Disclaimer:  All information, content, and materials available on/through the website or on/through the multi day challenge are for general informational purposes only.  
Please always consult with your medical provider before beginning any new wellness, nutrition or eating pattern or program.